Female Biceps workout: Bending hands on block for triceps and biceps
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Improves form super-cooling "in the ball. Clearly, in this exercise, you need a block from the floor. Face it to a distance of 40-50 cm and grip the rod block middle or bottom of a narrow grasp. Hands full raspryamite and pinch to the body. Before elbows, lift the rod to the lips. Write movement slowly. Just slowly return to starting position.
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To exclude chiting, you can lie on the floor, kicked to the block. Perform recovery in curls you will be in such an unusual position. Legs must uperet to something that the body does not slip on the floor. Turning a blind eye, you will be able to develop the highest degree myslennoy concentration.
Exercise is beneficial in terms of the application of the long-voltage because the trajectory is not "dead" areas where the muscles do not feel pressure.
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Labels: biceps teen female
posted by Victor Super at 12:12 AM
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